Summer Safety Tips for Autism Families: A Practical Personal Guide

ausome life institute Jul 16, 2024

Summer Safety Tips for Autism Families: A Practical Personal Guide

As summer approaches, many families eagerly plan outings and adventures. However, for those of us with loved ones on the autism spectrum, it's a season that demands extra vigilance and preparation. Our journey has taught us invaluable lessons about ensuring safety and fostering enjoyment during these warmer months. Here’s how we navigate summer while promoting growth with the Non Verbal to Verbal in 90 Days program:

1. Creating a Secure Environment

  • Home Safety: Secure doors and windows with locks or alarms to prevent wandering.
  • Water Safety: Install fences around pools and teach essential water safety skills.

2. Effective Communication Strategies

  • Visual Supports: Use visual schedules and social stories to prepare for outings and reinforce safety rules.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Ensure your child wears identification with contact information and consider using GPS trackers for enhanced security.

3. Building Social Skills and Awareness

  • Safety Training: Teach your child basic safety skills, such as staying close and recognizing dangerous situations.
  • Community Education: Educate neighbors and local businesses about autism, fostering a supportive environment.

4. Managing Sensory Sensitivities

  • Heat and Sun Protection: Plan outdoor activities during cooler times of the day and use sun protection gear like hats and sunscreen.
  • Noise Management: Bring noise-canceling headphones to help your child cope with loud or overwhelming environments.

5. Promoting Growth and Independence

  • Structured Learning: Consider programs like Non Verbal to Verbal in 90 Days to support your child's communication skills and boost confidence.
  • Creating Safe Spaces: Identify quiet retreats or sensory-friendly areas during outings for relaxation and comfort.

Real-Life Insights for Practical Application

To illustrate these strategies in action, consider this insight from a parent in our community:

"As parents of a child on the autism spectrum, summer outings require careful planning. Using visual schedules has been instrumental in preparing our child for activities, reducing anxiety, and ensuring smoother experiences. We've also found that educating our community about autism has created a supportive network that understands and respects our child's needs."


Implementing these summer safety tips not only enhances safety but also promotes growth and independence for individuals in the autism spectrum. By preparing proactively and utilizing resources like Non Verbal to Verbal in 90 Days, you can create a nurturing environment where your loved ones can thrive during the summer months.

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Want to Hear Your Ausome Loved One Say, "I Love You?"

Transform communication skills with Non Verbal to Verbal in 90 Days, a structured program designed to empower individuals on the autism spectrum through effective verbal expression in just three months.